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Governance & Leadership



USM demonstrates its dedication to sustainability through its vision and mission statements, core values, and strategic plan. Leveraging on these guiding principles, USM's sustainability framework serves as the cornerstone of its commitment and approach to sustainability.

USM's commitment to sustainability is evident through the creation of the University Sustainability Council (USC) or known as Majlis Kelestarian Universiti (MKU) in 2013. USC plays a crucial role in achieving USM's goal of becoming a world-class sustainability university by overseeing all aspects related to sustainability. It serves as the primary authority for USM's leadership to establish targets, make decisions, and ensure the implementation of sustainability matters, covering academics, students, staff, research, industry connections, finance, infrastructure, security, and more (Sustainability Policy 2022). USC is responsible for monitoring and coordinating sustainability initiatives, encompassing teaching, research, community engagement, and institutional arrangements.

  • Creating Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

    Universiti Sains Malaysia's dedication to creating peace, justice, and strong institutions aligns seamlessly with the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. Through its academic programs, research initiatives, and community engagement efforts, USM continues to play a pivotal role in shaping a better, more equitable world. As a beacon of hope and a catalyst for positive change, USM serves as an inspiring example of how higher education institutions can be a force for progress and transformation in society.

    Highlighting information emphasizing USM's dedication to these principles

    1. Perlembagaan – clause 24 (2) & clause 70  
    2. Perlembagaan – clause 24 (1) (c), clause 24 (1) (e)
    3. AUKU – clause 64 (Hal ehwal pelajar MPP) 
  • Empowering Voices in Governance

    Universiti Sains Malaysia's commitment to empowering voices in governance is a testament to its role as a catalyst for positive change in society. Through its inclusive education programs, community engagement efforts, and innovative use of technology, USM equips individuals and communities with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities needed to actively participate in shaping their governance processes. By fostering a culture of informed and engaged citizenship, USM not only strengthens democracy but also contributes to a more just, equitable, and accountable society.

    Student Participation 

    • Information about the role of the Student Council (MPP) in university decision-making.
    • MPP resources and initiatives. Read More..

     Staff Engagement

    • Explanation of staff participation in senates and LGU
    • Constitution – clause 24 (2) Read More..

    Strength in Unity 

    • Overview of the Student Union and its advocacy efforts. Read More..
  • Fighting Corruption and Safeguarding Freedom

    The USM 2023-2027 Anti-Corruption Organization Plan (OACP) is a guideline developed based on the National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP) to address corruption, governance, and integrity issues at USM. This plan focuses on two main objectives, namely, enhancing the efficiency and responsiveness in the delivery of USM services and fostering transparency and accountability in public procurement and corporate governance. In order to achieve the vision of making USM a Corruption-Free University, this plan establishes specific strategies for university governance and public procurement, with an emphasis on good governance and a culture of integrity among the USM community. It is hoped that this plan will contribute to shaping USM members into individuals with commendable, ethical, and corruption-free personalities.

    1. Anti-Bribery and Ethical Conduct-Description of USM's policies to identify and engage with local stakeholders

    a) Policy on Anti-Bribery

    The USM 2023-2027 Anti-Corruption Organization Plan (OACP) is a guideline developed based on the National Anti-Corruption Plan (NACP) to address corruption, governance, and integrity issues at USM. This plan focuses on two main objectives, namely, enhancing the efficiency and responsiveness in the delivery of USM services and fostering transparency and accountability in public procurement and corporate governance. In order to achieve the vision of making USM a Corruption-Free University, this plan establishes specific strategies for university governance and public procurement, with an emphasis on good governance and a culture of integrity among the USM community. It is hoped that this plan will contribute to shaping USM members into individuals with commendable, ethical, and corruption-free personalities. 

    2. Academic Freedom-Details on USM's commitment to academic freedom

    Dasar & Etika Penyelidikan Universiti Sains Malaysia 2022

    The Research Policy and Ethics of Universiti Sains Malaysia aim to strengthen a culture of innovative research among academic and research professionals, create a conducive research environment for activities that benefit society and the nation, and ensure the conduct of research with integrity and ethics.

  • Our Pledge to Diversity and Inclusion

    1. Introduction to the university's commitment to diversity and inclusion.

    • USM is a pioneering, transdisciplinary research intensive university that empowers future talents and enables the bottom billions to transform their socio-economic well-being.
    • Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) has demonstrated a commitment to diversity and inclusion in various ways:
      • Student Diversity: USM has a diverse student body, with students coming from different ethnic, cultural, and religious backgrounds. This diversity is celebrated and is seen as a strength of the university. Read more.. 
      • Inclusivity of students: USM via USMi committed to promoting cultural exchange and advocating for the rights, needs, and concerns of international students. believe in creating an inclusive and supportive environment that encourages individuals to explore their identities, discover their passions, and fully immerse themselves in the vibrant culture of USM. Read More..
      • Internationalization Efforts: USM actively seeks to attract students and faculty from around the world, contributing to a rich international environment on campus and provide local support via KAWAN (students’ ambassadors, is a new volunteer initiative to facilitate and assist postgraduate international students). Read More..
      • Cultural and Religious Sensitivity: The university promotes an inclusive environment by respecting and acknowledging various cultural and religious practices. This may include providing facilities for prayer and creating spaces for cultural celebrations. Read More..
      • Support for Students with Disabilities: USM aims to create an accessible and inclusive campus environment for students with disabilities. This can involve providing physical accommodations, assistive technologies, and support services. (Facilities provided by Exam Units to cater for students with disabilities)
      • List of student club and association (culture and religion based club). Read More..
      • University Diversity Officer: USM delegates committee, office, or officer focused on diversity, equity, inclusion, and human rights to provide guidance and implement policies, programs, and educational initiatives within the campus.
        • University Legal Office: This section in the University Legal Office specifically manages all matters related to the discipline/code of conduct of university members. This section acts as a governing body to advise faculty members against any form of human rights violations at the university. The section also gives training related to human rights to the university students and staffs.
        • The Pusat Transformasi Insan was established with the aim to develop and implement trainings and programs related to diversity, equity, inclusion and human rights on campus.
    • All students are admitted based their eligibility without discrimination or prejudice to their race, ethnicity, religion, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or other protected characteristics.

    2. Tracking applications and admissions. 

    • USM provides 5 channels to potential students in accordance to their propensities – diploma, distance learning, offshore, alternative channel (USM+1), main channel. Read More..
    • Alternative Route USM+1 prioritize underrepresented groups application into the university such as the elderly, low-income individuals and minor ethnicity. Read More..
    • USM has a systematic tracking system to monitor the diversity of its students. 
  • Zero Tolerance for Discrimination

    1. Admission Policy

    • USM uses three main policies in student admission consisting of MERIT, POTENTIAL and DIVERSITY. Through these three main policies, USM rules out all forms of discrimination in its admission process
    • USM have an admission policy which is non-discriminatory or which details and explains the logic for any appropriate positive discrimination policies in admission Read More..

    2. Non-Discriminatory Policy 

    • USM uses non-discriminatory approach in confirmation of appointment for USM staff as mentioned in the Statute X (professional) and Statute XI (non-professional) Read More..
    • USM also has established the Ombudsman Office that handles anti-discrimination issues. Information about the roles of the Ombudsman Office can be found here. USM has a Code of Ethic that protects those reporting discrimination from educational or employment disadvantage.

    3. Anti-Harassment Policy

    • As a government agency, USM adopt the Malaysian Government Circular No. 22 (updated Circular No. 5 2018). Universiti Sains Malaysia has a high commitment to providing and promoting a safe and prosperous work and study environment for campus residents. Sexual harassment as defined by USM is an act that can threaten the safety and well-being of individuals and the community on campus. Therefore, the USM would not tolerate acts of sexual harassment and all campus residents must adhere to the University's Policy on Sexual Harassment. 

    4. Whistle Blower Policy

    • The purpose of this policy is to uphold the highest values of integrity among employees and students of the university, in line with the University's Integrity Pledge. It aims to encourage and facilitate the exposure of unusual conduct among university members and the scrutiny of accounts that raise doubts. The policy also focuses on internal university affairs related to the protection of employees and students who disclose crucial information to the university, ensuring their safeguard against detrimental actions, in accordance with the University Whistleblower Protection Act 2010 (Act 711) and the University Constitution.
  • Inclusivity, Empowerment, Unlimited Horizons

    We aspire to be a place where diversity is celebrated, and where our commitment to inclusivity ensures that no one is left behind. Our mission is to provide unwavering support for individuals with disabilities. USM provide support and services as follow:

    • Counselling Unit, Students Development Affairs and Alumni Division, USM. Read More.. 
    • Consultation and counselling system as a web-based application for USM staff to access counselling services provided by the Registrar Office of USM. Read More..
    • Psychosocial rehabilitation unit at USM Health Campus. Read More..
    • ORANG KURANG UPAYA (OKU) CLUSTER serves as a hub centre for the OKU as well as to provide current information about the rights and environmental needs on legislative, social and physical disabilities to the public and the university. Read More..
    • Sekretariat Insan Istimewa Universiti Sains Malaysia (SISWA USM) Read More..
    • PPDK. Information on PPDK - Read More..
    • Disability Transformation Unit Read More..
    • Facilities for The Disabled At USM Map Read More..
    • JPPF OKU facilities. Read More..
    • Videos and images highlighting facilities for persons with disabilities (PWDs)- Video of OKU facilities
    • Housing Facilities for Persons with Disability on campus Read More..

    We Care “You, Us & Me” 

  • Employment Equity Commitment

    USM demonstrates its commitment to good employment practices: for example paying staff living wage, union recognition, policies against exploitation (incl. early stage researchers), process to appeal, etc.

    • Paying Minimum wage
      USM, as a statutory body, has been paying all staff based on the salary scheme set by the Federal Government of Malaysia. In 2023, the basic salary plus allowance give USM staff a minimum salary of RM1900, which is more than the current minimum wages at RM1500.00
    • Union and labour right
      USM has respected the union and the labour right of both academic and supporting staff. This can be proven by forming of separate unions for both groups.
    • Anti-discrimaination policy
      The USM constitution also mentions that there should not be any discrimination in the workplace, subject to the provisions stated in the Federal Constitution (Article 153).
    • No forced labour, no modern slavery and no human trafficking, and no child labour policy
      Being a statutory body, USM has committed, together with Malaysian government, not to conduct any practice linked to forced labour, modern slavery, human trafficking and child labour. In, USM has obliged to follow Children and Young Persons (Employment) Act 1966 and Anti-Trafficking in Person and Anti-Smuggling of Migrant Act 2007.
    • Equal rights for third-party’s workers
      The university follows the government policy that guarantees equivalent rights to third-party workers involved in the university projects. This involves the social insurance protections must be provided to those workers. Besides, USM also applied the prevalent Law of Malaysia that make sure a standard form of contract is used for projects under ministry of work; there are clauses that cover the welfare of these workers are equal protected.
    • Pay scale equity and elimination of gender pay gaps
      The gender equal pay is protected since USM has applied the same pay scale set by the federal government without considering the staff gender. The differences in the salary are decided by the staff’s ranking in USM organisation. Subject to certain work performance conditions, all staff will entitle for the annual salary increment. With the pay scale, it also eliminates any possible pay gaps based on gender.
    • Tracking pay scale gender equity
      USM has kept the data of salary received by female and male staff, making it possible to track the pay scale gender equity.
    • Employees to appeal on employee rights and pay
      The right for staff to appeal on any issue related to their rights and pay can be conducted via the ombudsmen office. Moreover, USM also oblige the Act605 Appeal of Staff to handle any appeal from staff who are given a disciplinary action.
  • Publication of Reports

    USM committed to publishing a comprehensive report specifically addressing activities and programs related to SDG 1-17 annually. USM's commitment to sustainability and its various initiatives demonstrate its efforts in contributing to the overall SDG agenda.

    Financial data highlights for USM are shown in the Document Reported by Auditor General of Malaysia in USM Financial Statement